About lukesbrainchunks

I like to make viral videos and put them on YouTube . . . . oh, did I say "viral"? I didn't mean to say that . . . I meant to say "I like to make videos and put them on YouTube". Oh, you want to help make them viral? Cool beans!

Social Media Rant


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I still don’t know where I stand in the world of Social Media. I absolutely love it . . . . I just don’t know what I can bring to it that would be worth putting time into it. Videos are fun, but they can be forced.ย  Tweets are only fun if I have thoughts or observations worth tweeting (which is rare), and Facebook’s interactions haven’t really been happening.

Could it be that Facebook is the slow man in the speed race of Social Media? My iPhone 4 thinks Facebook is super super slow #lame

I want to interact with every single person, but that doesn’t really happen. So who do I want to interact with.

How do you find people to interact with . . . and because I am older, fat, and have a beard, how does it not appear creepy?

Anyways, these are my Social Media ramblings.

What are your thoughts? What should I bring to the table? What do you bring? IS Facebook the old man of Social Media?

So many questions!

Videos I Enjoyed This Week: July 14-20 , 2013

Screen Shot 2013-07-19 at 6.22.15 PMWelcome to the first installment of “Videos I Enjoyed This Week”. I always watch videos and think of other people who would enjoy it, but then I forget about it and it is lost forever in the subconscious of my brain. So here are some videos I enjoyed this week:

Bear Safey Video: I’ve always wondered what to do if I came across a bear. This video is not only informational, but it is hilarious!

Cheeto Cannon – I feel like this could be very dangerous, but it may have to go on my bucket list.

Saving Mr. Banks- Trailer – I haven’t seen many trailers recently that actually intrigued me, but once you mix Tom Hanks and Walt Disney, I just turn into a little kid again ๐Ÿ™‚

Bumblee Hi-5!ย  –ย  This is also dangerous and on my bucket list . . . but yet so cute and amazing at the same time!

That’s all I have for this week! I hope you enjoyed the videos!


Over Thinking how to spell Over Thinking



I want to so badly create stuff, but I don’t always have ideas. I feel like I put too much pressure on the free time that I do have to create which causes me to not think of anything. Its like being a nervous pee-er, but instead I’m a nervous creator.


I begin to over think everything

-what should I make?

-is it worth it?

-does it matter?


I’ve always been the type to make whatever, even if its bad, and be ok with that because I tried. I guess I started to get nervous about what people would think about LBC if I made stupid stuff (that I thought was stupid too). Its time to throw caution to the wind, and I’m going to just be me. .ย  .. because let’s face it . . . . I can be stupid at times. I am 100% ok with that ๐Ÿ™‚

Luke Interviews! Lilly Edition

Luke Interviews! Lilly Edition


I recently sat down with Lilly (www.lillynicole.com) and had a great interview! Feel free to watch, giggle, and share the love!!

Luke Interviews! is a mix between a talk show, improv show, and random good time on YouTube. Its not life changing, but I hope it can invoke some “funnness” in your day ๐Ÿ™‚